The Node  is a product created, manufactured, supported and distributed by EdgeDx, Inc.

In Nigeria, Global Human Access Resources Ltd (GHARL)  is responsible for sales, customer support and techical assitance.


Changing lives by connecting patients, data and devices across the healthcare ecosystem

The Node is a versatile, open-source, wireless device that enables primary healthcare providers to collect, cache, view, and share diagnostic results and other critical patient data in real time.

Unlike similar solutions, the Node pairs with devices of all kinds and does not rely on stable Internet connectivity.

Why was the Node Developed?

Why was the Node 



Unreliable connectivity results in delayed or lost data, wasted resources, and worse patient care.

Manually-entered data leads to delays and errors, requires human resources and oversight. This reduces the quality of care.

Diagnostic commodity stock-outs disrupt the continuity of care.

Fragmented supplier-specific connectivity solutions leads to more complexity, maintenance, and cost.

Patient information and testing history are not linked or accessible  locally, preventing optimal care.

Data security and patient confidentiality are at risk using third-party, unvetted, or cloud-based platforms.

Instrument performance and errors are not routinely logged. This reduces platform reliability.


Smart, automated protocols, that use mobile networks ensure that all data is transmitted reliably and rapidly, even in unstable settings.

Digital information is retrieved from all platforms and transmitted to MoH-designated server, database, or LIMS, automatically, wirelessly, and in real time.

Diagnostic commodity stock-outs disrupt the continuity of care.

Fragmented supplier-specific connectivity solutions leads to more complexity, maintenance, and cost.

Patient IDs link all records locally (and at MoH servers) enabling comprehensive patient history for clinicians.

All data is encrypted and automatically transmitted directly to MoH-designated server, database or LIMS.

All instrument and connectivity performance metrics are captured, stored locally, and transmitted to MoH-designated server, database, or LIMS.

How does the Node Works

How does the 

 Node Work?

Ready to Purchase 

the Node for your Facility

Ready to Purchase  

 the Node for your 
